Tuesday, July 5, 2016


You just gotta love all these doomsayers and so called climate experts like Leo DiCaprio.  It seems to me that last year at this time we had been without rain since April, and the so called experts were saying that was what we were facing every year now.  Drought conditions would be the norm and snow in the mountains surrounding Vancouver was a thing of the past.

Of course, we ended up with record snowfalls on the Coastal Mountains, and Metro Vancouver endured 12 straight weeks of either rain, or grey skies.  We had a couple of unseasonably hot days in May and a few more in June, but again for the most part June and the early part of July has been grey skies and rain.  It has currently rained, and rained hard here for two straight days.  In fact, it was so wet in June, a bunch of my flowers in the railing boxes, drowned.

Anyway, the point of this rant, is that the crappy weather is making it a little easier for missing the lake.  At least at home here, I have access to TV, Internet and I have lots of room to move around in between the top floors and even the garage.  More room than I had at the old house as well.

Yesterday, I got busy.  I was forced into it by of all people the Canada Revenue Agency.  Here it is, eighteen months after Dad died, they wanted proof that he was disabled for the last few years of his life.  They have had a form T2201 on file for many years.  When I asked how they expected me to prove he was disabled, they said I would have to find the original T2201.

Now, I am about 99% certain that we would have mailed in the original and all I would have was a copy.  I was also 95% certain that I had shredded all of Dad’s documents dating back that far.  In any case, there was that 5% chance that I didn’t and the documents were buried among all those boxes in the garage.  They were insistent on it.  I could just say that I couldn’t find it and let it go, except as the executor of Dad’s will, I am responsible for all debts related to him.  If I let it go, it will be a $13.000 bill to pay back.

Anyway, I waded into the boxes.  I managed to find some of my missing tools, which is a bonus.  I managed to find two boxes of documents that I had been looking for.  One of which contained my own will.  I worked for several hours’ yesterday, and could not find any documents related to Dad.  Then again, I didn’t manage to get through all the boxes yet either.  I finally got so exhausted I had to pack it in.

When I came out though, the box warehouse which is my garage, is starting to bear some semblance to a garage again.  There is still a long way to go, but it looks a little less overwhelming now.  I even managed to make it all the way to the back wall.  Now if I can just get into the little alcove back there and clear it out, I will be able to slide the boat back another ten feet, which will give me enough room to be able to park my truck inside, finally.

I had intended to continue my explorations today, but I am so stiff and sore and tired this morning that it just isn’t going to happen.  I have physio tomorrow which should help loosen things up a bit.  I really don’t think I am going to find those documents, but the incentive to continue is getting my truck inside, oh and finding the rest of my tools.  Once I do that, and clear out some more boxes, I should be able to get one of those huge rolling tool boxes to get things organized.

So while the reason for doing it, isn’t the most pleasant thing in the world, (when is dealing with the CRA ever?) at least it got me started on organizing the garage.  Who knows I may even be able to get it semi organized before September rolls around.  As for the crappy weather, it has made it a whole lot easier to accept missing out on lake time.

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