Sunday, June 26, 2016


A year ago at this time I would have already been at the lake for the summer.  I would have listened to the BC Lions game on the transistor radio, and missed the end of the game when the signal faded after 9:00 PM.  Instead I am still at home and watched the game on the big screen ultra HD TV.  It was not a great game, but the Lions won, which is all that counts.

I love it at the lake and have been going there ever since 1969.  I have only missed a couple of years in that time.  Two years in 1996 and 1997 after the ex and I separated and I couldn’t afford to go and 2011 when Dad was in critical condition in hospital.  Even so, last year towards the end d of the summer I had decided to cut back a bit on lake time.

The reasons behind it were that I spend approximately 12 weeks at the lake.  In that time, Renee visited for 4 days in July and another week in August.  Tamara hasn’t been up in 5 years.  Caitlin has not been up in 3 years and neither one has even seen the new dock I built.  Karl has been up for a 3-day weekend two years ago and a 2-day weekend last year.  So essentially the rest of the time I spend it alone.

I have a TV, a DVD player and my DVD collection, but you can only watch so many movies.  I engage in my pursuit of wildlife photography.  But again, it is tough spending that much time alone.  I have the neighbours to visit with, but I don’t want to wear out my welcome and I certainly don’t want to bother them when they have all of their guests visiting.  So I had decided to cut back the time this year.  Maybe go up for a week and come home for a week, whatever worked.

Unfortunately, the decision was taken out of my hands this year.  The first was the big move.  Since going toe the lake is almost like moving, with the amount of stuff I have to take, it was really hard to get motivated to “move” again.  The other more important reasons where injuries.

I fractured my wrist in two places for the second time in three years.  Despite several weeks of physio and the fact it is healed, it still bothers me and would limit what I could do at the lake.  The second and more importantly is my back.  It has flared up so badly that moving around was difficult and in fact it played a large part in my decision to move out of the house.  This is a long term injury that has gotten worse over the years.

Finally, I got some therapy, called Spinal Decompression and it is working wonders.  I don’t want to interrupt the treatment by leaving now and possibly screwing my back up even worse.  So, here I am at home when I am usually at the lake.  I don’t really mind though and maybe taking a year off will make me appreciate it more next year.  It worked after missing 2011.

Anyway, after missing many years at the lake, my sister has decided to use it again and we decided that I would take June and July and she would take August and September.  So, by the time my physio treatments are done, it will be late into July and leave no time to head up, unless I go for a week or a long weekend or something.

As it sits, I am quite happy staying here.  Now if the weather would start to cooperate it would be better.  Late yesterday afternoon, the sun finally came back and it looks like today is going to be a nice day.  Could summer finally be upon us?  Good thing I got the air conditioner, now maybe I will have a real reason to use it.

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