First off, one thing I have noticed is that the wi-fi signal
in the hotel is hit and miss at the best of times. It’s been difficult to post Blog updates and
even more difficult to post updates to Instagram. It was even playing hell with editing,
because I couldn’t upload photos to online directories. Even when it is working, the connection is
not that fast. Other than that, I have
no complaints about the hotel. It’s
clean and quiet, except when the airshow from Miramar is going on, but that is
just plain cool.
Anyway, when I woke up this morning, I was hurting pretty
good. My back and legs and more so my
feet. Why I didn’t tape my right foot, I
couldn’t say. I have the supplies with
me. It was cloudy and looking very much
like rain, so I was trying to decide what to do. Air and Space Museum or San Diego Zoo Safari
By the time I finished breakfast, it still had not rained
and was looking a little brighter. So,
like an idiot, I ignored what my body was telling me and went on safari. I had absolutely no concept. I figured it would be more open, but less
hills than the zoo itself, but roughly the same size. I should have gotten a better idea when the
Uber ride to 35 minutes to get there.
I still had no idea until I got inside. I was standing chatting with a San Diego police
Sergeant who was working overtime.
After a bit, I headed off on my trek, I even bumped into him several
more times. I had several animals that I
was targeting on this “mission”. Lions, tigers,
elephants, rhinos, gorillas and so on.
There is also a huge butterfly exhibit I want to see and photograph as
There is plenty of space and lots of walking. I found several primates, and birds and there
was the gorilla enclosure. These ones
were somewhat more active than the ones in the zoo yesterday. I can’t remember all their names, but the one
that sticks out for me, was “Frank”.
Probably because that was my Dad’s name.
Frank is apparently the “boss man” and I found him lounging in a tree in
a hammock. Some of the others were
keeping busy, while a couple of the big “Silverbacks” were hiding and sleeping.
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By now, the sun was trying to come out and it was warming up
quickly, compounding my misery. It’s
only a couple of hours in and I’m hurting and limping big time. I made a point of stopping and resting and
drinking a Gatorade. That helped a bit.
It was around this time that I got talking to one of the
employees. I mentioned that I had been
walking about as long as it took to see the zoo yesterday, but it didn’t feel
like I had covered much. This is when I
learned the difference. The zoo is built
on about 90 acres of land, while the safari park is on 900 acres, so it is 10
times bigger. Who knew? No wonder I was so worn out, especially with
starting at a disadvantage.
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He suggested I take the “train tour” around the outer
perimeter of the African section. It
came up in conversation that I am now considered disabled. He directed me to the ticket booth, where I
showed my disability card. I got the
ticket free and with priority boarding, so I didn’t have to stand in the
lengthy line.
The tour was great and got lots of information, I even got
some decent photos of giraffes, and the rhino with a few others. The tour lasted about 30 minutes and it was
good to be off my feet for a bit. Once
back, I resumed my walk and discovered a bird show. Where they had several different species of
birds showing off. Again, it was good to
be off my feet.
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Finally, though, at the 7.5-hour mark of mostly walking, I
decided it was time to head back to the hotel.
It was then that I discovered how far away from the entrance I was. I also discovered that I was absolutely spent. There was no way that I could make it
back. It was hell to admit that to
myself, but even harder to admit that to another staff member. She assured me it was not a problem and it
happens so often, that they have a special shuttle just for these occasions. Long story short, they drove me back to the
entrance and I limped out.
Once I got back and had a rest, I went over to the
restaurant for dinner. Boy if this isn't an awful sign of the times.
I'm eating dinner in the restaurant and a young family walks in. There is Mom,
Dad a young boy maybe 5 or 6 and a baby, maybe 3 months old. Mom and Dad sit on
one side. Little boy sits next to the baby in its carrier seat. Mom and Dad
break out their cell phones and start doing whatever they're doing. They just
weren't paying attention to the two kids. Baby starts to cry, neither parent
reacts. Little boy gets up and very tenderly picks the baby
up and cradles it. He rocks the baby, gives it the soother and continues to
rock it and pats it on the back. The poor kid is trying everything to console
the baby, again, no reaction from parents. Finally, after about 10 minutes, Mom
slams down her phone, takes the baby away from the kid and glares at him like
he did something wrong. Geez!
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