Sunday, January 13, 2019

117 2018 RECAP

A lot happened in 2018 and I’ll do a little recap here, to get things up to date before resurrecting the Blog for 2019.  I’ve already written about the loss of Toby, and I won’t rehash it as there is a complete story already in place.  After he left us, I just couldn’t get back into writing in the Blog.  My spirit was sort of drained by that loss.

In March after receiving my Custom-Made skates, it was time to prove the Doctors wrong.  I was told I’d never play hockey again, but I was determined to do it.  We all went for Public Skating and with Karl’s help I got my skates and some protective gear on and out on the ice we went.  It was a disaster, sort of.  To be fair, my body was still banged up and I was breaking in new skates.  I got on the ice, and it was like starting all over again as a kid.  Within a half hour, I was comfier and skating.  Two weeks later, I played hockey with the Sunday morning crew, badly, but I played.

The following Wednesday, I played with the UBC guys.  Again, badly, but I played.  I ended up playing a total of 8 games at the end of the season, 2 with Sunday and 6 with Wednesday.  So, I proved the Doctors wrong.  I was looking forward to next season, to see how far I could come back.

June came along and while I should have been getting ready to head up to the lake, it wasn’t happening.  There were several reasons for this.  I was still dealing with the rehab issues from the previous summer.  As a result, I discovered doing my morning walks that I could no longer walk the gravel path behind the townhouse.  The uneven ground was causing me balance problems and causing considerable pain in my feet, knees and ankle.

Not to mention this, but there was a real fear lurking deep inside me, about going back to the lake.  I don’t really know why, maybe because after almost dying in a place I have always felt comfortable and secure.  Anyway, I did not go to the lake in 2018.

My boat did however make a week-long appearance at the lake.  Karl approached me about borrowing the boat to go to the lake.  I told him, I couldn’t allow it because he didn’t have his boat operators permit, he also didn’t have a means of towing the boat.  I made him a deal that if he could get his licence and find transport, then I would ok it.

He studied hard and passed his boat operators permit and his friend Jeff not only had a truck, but plenty of experience driving trailers.  So, at the end of July Karl and Jeff picked up the boat and headed off to meet some friends and head up to the lake.  Everything went well, and they had a great time.

While I was in hospital, I noticed Renee starting to distance herself from me.  It continued after my release.  But it became very pronounced after Toby died.  She had told me years ago that she was only here because of the dog and when he was gone, she was gone as well.  I didn’t think she was serious.  Things began to take a more ominous turn when she didn’t come out here on Fridays as had been her pattern.  The previous two Halloween’s she had been keen on coming, but this year she said she wasn’t.

We had travelled to Hawaii, shortly after I retired and had always said that we would travel more after Toby was gone.  During that time, she booked a trip to India for herself and another for Cuba.  India, I had no interest in, but would have gone to Cuba, but I needed to stay with Toby.  After he died, she booked a trip to New Orleans and told me I was not invited.  The final kick came when she booked a trip to Vietnam and Cambodia and again made it clear I was not welcome.

So, in response I went and booked a trip to Florida for myself during the same time frame she was gone but didn’t bother to tell her.  I wanted to reveal it in person but did not see her again to do that.  I did splurge though, by using my VISA points I was able to upgrade my flight to Business Class and my hotel to stay right in the middle of Universal studios park.  My primary focus was the Wizarding world of Harry Potter.  Something should would never have gone to.

When our 15th Anniversary passed without acknowledgement and then suddenly she stopped returning phone calls.  The writing was on the wall.  I finally got a call from her that suggested meeting in my old neighbourhood at our old hangout, The Slocan Restaurant.  Right then, I knew what was coming.  Sure enough, she told me then that it was over.  I asked for my house key back and we had a previously scheduled event to attend, so I arranged to pack up all her stuff and bring it to her.

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