Monday, October 31, 2016


So, there we have it.  The first Halloween in the new house is in the books.  It sure didn’t start out very promising.  It pissed down rain, almost in deluge format from 5:00 AM until 5:00 PM and it wasn’t looking good for the trick or treaters.  Then almost on cue at 5:00 PM it stopped raining and turned into a relatively pleasant evening for the little kiddies, and us big kiddies.



Unfortunately, I could not put out some of the animated stuff until the last minute.  It took me awhile to get the projector set up with the three pumpkins, but it worked perfectly.  It’s too bad that the way I had it set up, it couldn’t be seen from the street.  But the main thing is that it worked and it was a lesson for next year.  It took a while to get it working perfectly and so I was crunched for time.

I filled the fog machine and put it out to warm up, and it was too bad that I hurried it, because I could not get it working under any circumstances.  It was only afterwards when I was packing up that I discovered that the intake hose had a plug in it for transport.  Had I removed it I’m sure it would have worked perfectly.  But that was the only glitch on the night.

Well there was one other when Renee closed the screen door and I didn’t know and just about walked through it.  Luckily, or maybe not, I bounced off it.  But, man it hurt.  I did manage to remain upright, but it’s like skating g with your head down and that big defenseman comes across the ice to take your head off.



Renee dressed up as an angel and then later tossed on an old man mask and caught me completely by surprise.  It worked well with her costume.  I had not planned on dressing up, but I got into the spirit of it anyway.  It was just something I had lying around.  I debated wearing my Canucks uniform or even wearing my old police dress uniform.

Instead, I had bought a camouflage Ghillie suit (aka a sniper suit) last summer with the plan of using it for wildlife photography.  I never did get around to use it, because my sidekick Toby would give me away anyway.  So, I threw it on and was amazed by the number of compliments I got from parents walking with their kids.  I was even more shocked when an 8-year-old boy said to his Dad, “Hey Dad, he has a Ghillie Suit”.  Most people don’t know what it is, let alone what it’s called.  Even on a cool night, it was hot in that thing.


The weather held off all evening and there were lots of kids patrolling the neighbourhood.  We ended up with close to 50 kids and used up more than half of the candy in the bowl.  There’s still some left for us though.  It was great to see that many kids around, as last year in East Vancouver, my neighbour had less than 10 kids.  This was more like the days when I was young, although, then my Mom used to get over 200.

Since the complex isn’t even half constructed or full yet, we weren’t expecting too much.  But it was way better than expected.  We had close to 50 trick ort treaters and once everything is occupied by next year, it should be a great turn-out.  Still, it was an awesome evening and it felt like being a kid again.



I learned some lessons about setting up decorations and next year I will be better prepared.  Or at least I hope I will.  Having it rain all day though, limited my options.  Maybe next year the weather will be better.  One can always hope.

The other thing that was great, is that the fireworks were very limited and much farther away, so Toby wasn’t panicked.  With the park across the street from the old house, the fireworks were constant from 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM.  Tonight, the fireworks, even in the distance were done before 10:00 PM and Toby wasn’t freaked out at all tonight.

Hurray for Halloween and already looking forward to next year.  The next big project will be Christmas decorations.  Going to have to get lights for the front door and the back deck.  I’ll even think about doing the windows and getting a tree.  I just must decide on real or artificial.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Here we are, the day before Halloween and I’m as excited as a little kid.  Most of the decorations have been up since early in the month.  Yes, I said decorations.  I have never decorated for Halloween before other than the traditional carved jack-o-lanterns, but this year I have gone nuts.

There are spider webs in the living room window, although the way we put them up, and when I say we, I mean Renee.  I bought the stuff, she decorated.  The spider webs feature lots of plastic spiders and along the window sill are several plastic rats.  My hope is that is the only rats to invade this house after a long battle with the real ones at the old house.

There is a skeleton hanging from the railing as well as a light up tombstone.  There are electronic skulls on the railing.   They are designed to be pathway markers, but it was better to put them on the railing out of the way of the gardeners.  These have a switch that detects motion which causes the eyes to light up and trigger a cackling spooky voice.

I mention these because they have been out on the railing for almost two weeks, with the switch turned off.  But last night we had a very spooky thing happen.  Around midnight we were already in bed and we could hear strange sounds.  Renee looked out the window and discovered the skulls lit up and cackling.  It was so odd.  The skulls were checked and we discovered that the switch had been turned on.

Renee swears she didn’t do it, and I believe her.  I know I didn’t do it because I have felt so crappy lately and the weather has been so bad, I haven’t even been out on the deck, so I have no idea how these things got turned on.  Just one of those spooky Halloween adventures I guess.

There is an animated witch, which won’t be going outside until we are sure it’s not going to be raining on Halloween night.  It is also motion activated.  Her partner is an animated skeleton playing “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round The Mountain” on a harmonica.  Again, he won’t go out until we are sure of the weather.


Completing the high-tech mentality for the evening is the fog machine that I acquired.  This will produce a nice low lying fog to add to the mysterious nature of the evening.  Hopefully the weather cooperates because I won’t be able to use it in the rain.  It will come in handy around Christmas as well, in addition to using it for smoke effects in some portraits and other photos.

Finally, the last high tech thing is a video from AtmosFearfx called Jack-O-Lantern Jamboree.  Using a projector, it projects animated Jack-O-Lantern faces onto three uncarved pumpkins.  These are complete with sound and the videos have the three pumpkins making rude sounds and making faces, they sing songs or tell stories.  I’m excited to see the kids and adult’s reaction to these.

Finally, we bowed to tradition yesterday and carved two more pumpkins with the traditional candles inside.  They are out on the deck already and will be proudly lit and displayed on Halloween night.  As I said, I went completely mental as far as Halloween goes.

I guess because I was not able to participate for years because I was usually working and because the kids would not come to the basement door of the old house.  I have stocked up on goodies to hand out, although I must keep them well hidden for now.

Finally, Renee has an Angel costume to wear and I am just going to wear the camouflage Ghillie suit I got for wildlife photography, but I have not yet worn.  The final prep piece is to put a sign on the front door to direct kids to the back.  Partly because I don’t want to be running up and down all those stairs to hand out treats and partly because all the decorations are set up out back.  I think it will be magical for the kids as well, to walk down the boardwalk between the houses.  Especially if everyone participates with decorating.  It will also be a lot safer too, since there won’t be any cars to contend with.  Happy Halloween everyone.


Sunday, October 23, 2016


Holy cow has it ever been an eventful integration into life in Maple Ridge.  It literally feels like I have been in recovery mode since I got here, but I sure do love it here.  First it was the fractured wrist and the rehab which lead me to Spinal Decompression.  It was wildly successful and I was all set for hockey season when my eye went wonky and I had a torn detached retina.  Now my latest adventure.

Early in the season I had a puck bounce off the side of my foot.  Not a hard shot, didn’t hurt all that much but afterwards my little toe was swollen.  Fast forward a few weeks and on a Thursday morning, after playing the night before, I noticed a little white mark on the top of my toe.  I rubbed it and a little pus came out.

So, I rinsed it with alcohol, put on Polysporin and a Band-Aid and thought nothing more about it.  The next morning, pus was oozing out and when I touched the toe it poured out.  I did the same routine, alcohol, Polysporin and a Band-Aid.  By this point I was feeling as sick as a dog and let the organizers know I would not be playing Sunday morning.  I felt like I had a wicked cold or flu.  To this point my toe was not hurting.

Sunday morning and my toe was a gawd awful mess, leaking all over and hurting.  I took Renee to the swimming pool and while I was waiting, the pain was growing, so when she came back I told her we’re going to the hospital.
After getting in and being seen, the Doctor immediately put me on a dose of intravenous antibiotics, cleaned and dressed the wound.  He told me the flu like symptoms could possibly be the earliest indicators of going into sepsis.  Now the bad part of sepsis, is if left alone, it will kill you.

An x-ray of my toe revealed no fracture, but there were several holes in the bone indicating that the infection had infiltrated the bone which make treatment very difficult.  I must visit the hospital every afternoon for another course of intravenous antibiotics.  This will now be going on for 4 to 6 weeks of daily visits and doses.

I had a strange vision the other day as well.  I was sitting in a long corridor waiting for the Doctor to see me, when I looked way down the hall.  There was a man walking towards me and I would swear on a stack of bibles that it was my Dad who passed away in January 2015.  To the best of my knowledge, he had never been to Ridge Meadows Hospital.

So, this man is walking towards me.  He was wearing a grey and blue patterned jacket, just like my Dad.  He was the same height and build and had the same hairstyle.  It was kind of freaky.  Finally, when he got close enough, I could see that he was in fact a real, solid person, but up close he did not look anything like my Dad.  Other than the height, weight, hairstyle and clothes.

As of this morning my toe looks good, it’s not leaking anymore and doesn’t hurt much.  My feet which tend to swell are way less swollen now.  Although the Doc suggested I start wearing compression socks.  So, I bought a pair of those today.  If this course of antibiotics doesn’t work and there is no indication that they won’t, then they will have to amputate my toe.

Meanwhile no hockey, as I have an IV tube sticking out of my arm.  Even if I could pad it up enough, the antibiotics have played hell with my stamina and I’m only able to complete about ¼ of our normal morning walk.  This morning though, I managed to do the whole thing for the first time in 2 weeks.  After breakfast, I passed out and slept until it was time to go back to the hospital.

Throughout all these misfortunes, I am still smiling and every morning I wake up and look around and am so happy and thankful to be living in my wonderful new place.  I appreciate it every day and I’m so glad to be here.  All my neighbours are great and the complex is starting to take on a spooky air as people get into the spirit of Halloween.  Maybe I should be one of the Walking Dead, because man that is how I feel.  Oral antibiotics would be so much worse though.  I will get through it.

Monday, October 3, 2016


The story starts simply.  We went to the local swimming pool like we do every weekend.  Renee swims her laps and I wait in the truck.  I like swimming, but in a lake.  I hate public pools.  So, I wait in the truck.  Sometimes I nap, most times I play Words with Friends or other games on my iPad.  The parking lot for Walmart is right next to the pool and that’s where I park.

This day though, there was a difference.  Once Renee had finished her swim, we decided to go into Walmart to shop for Halloween decorations.  I haven’t done Halloween in many years.  Partly because I was usually working them, but even after I retired, kids didn’t come to the basement door and Dad was too old to be getting up and down to answer the door.

Even when I lived in Surrey, we didn’t really decorate, other than maybe a cardboard witch in the window and carved pumpkins on the doorstep.  As s kid I always loved Halloween and even as an adult.  I just didn’t like dealing with all of the violence associated with it, once the little kids were done trick or treating.

Anyway, I decided to go all out this year.  I bought a fog machine online as well as the ingredients for making “Fog Juice”.  I looked online for decorations bought I had no way to tell if they were just “cheap” knock offs.  I did notice that they were very expensive and so the decision to go to Walmart.  I knew the prices would be reasonable and I could physically see if something was worth it or not.


Not wanting to leave my iPad in the truck, for fear of it getting broken into and stolen, I took it with me.  I just tucked it under my arm and away we went.  The array of items was impressive some really cheap junk and other items that were great and great value.

There were animated figures specifically a witch and a harmonica playing skeleton.  They were a little on the pricey side but the demos in the store were awesome and so they became mine.  We literally filled a shopping cart with Halloween stuff and headed off.  As we were going out I put my iPad in the child seat of the cart and headed for the truck.

Once there we loaded everything into the back of the truck and headed home.  I drove up to the door and we unloaded the stuff and Renee and Toby stayed while I went and parked the truck.  Yes, I know I have to organize the garage one day so I can park inside.  It was as I parked that I realized my iPad was not beside me on the console and I frantically looked all through the truck for it.  No luck.
I phoned Renee and had her look through all the bags and with a sinking feeling, she reported it wasn’t there.  The next step was to activate the Find My iPhone app on my iPhone to locate the missing iPad.  No luck.  I have one of those covers on it that turns it off when closed.

So it was back in the truck and back to Walmart we headed.  I thought I may have left it on the counter when I was paying, but I remembered putting it in the cart.  If that was the case, I was pretty sure it was gone for good.  We finally got to Walmart after what seemed like an eternity and even managed to pull back into the same parking spot.

Even before we got parked, Renee looked across and screamed, “there it is!” and pointed.  Sure enough it was sitting straight up in the child carrier section of the cart.  There were 10 or 15 more carts all around it, so people had been there, but they were either too honest to take it, or too distracted to notice it.  Either way it was with a great sigh of relief that I retrieved it from the cart.

This is actually the second time I have lost the iPad since I moved to Maple Ridge.  The first time was the day I took possession of the house and once I had my documents, I had to go to the Post Office to pick up my mail box key.  I was carrying a bunch of file folders and put them down on the counter along with the iPad.  I had to give her my address and phone number.  After getting the key, I headed off and before I got to the house for the first time I got a call on my cell.  It was the postal clerk telling me I had left the iPad on the counter and she would hold it for me.

So Halloween has turned into a big adventure this year.  Both for the excitement of all the decorations and also for the loss and recovery of my iPad.  Renee was so excited about them she started putting up the decorations right away.  I was too darn tired and sore from hockey that morning and the fact I had been on the go since 5:00 AM.